June 2026 | Houston, TX

Speaker Name
Frank Roberto
Job Title

Frank Roberto retired from ExxonMobil in 2021 after nearly 45 years of company service in the Utilities and Energy fields involved in project development, operations support, as well as various energy and management positions.   Roberto started with Exxon Chemical Company in NJ in 1976, after graduating from Stevens Institute of Technology.   Joining Exxon Chemical in their Engineering and Technology organization, there were extended assignments in Louisiana, Texas, The Netherlands, London, Italy and Edinburgh, Scotland before relocating permanently to Texas.    Key roles included Regional Energy Specialist and Global Energy Advisor.   At retirement, Roberto was in management in ExxonMobil’s Global Projects Company and currently serves on various boards and committees associated with Stevens Institute as well on the Advisory Council of Texas Industrial Energy Efficiency Program and the Advisory Board of Industrial Energy Technology Conference.
