September 23-25, 2025 | Houston, TX

Speaker Name
Dr. Hsu Chiang
Job Title
Polymer Process Development and Scale-up Team Lead

Hsu Chiang is the Polymer Process Development & Scale-up Team lead in the Process Innovation and Scale-up department at the ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company, where he is leading a team to develop and scale up polymer processes. Before his currently role, he also supported research and pilot plant campaigns for catalytic process development and has led a catalyst development project for improving the production of a chemical. Before joining ExxonMobil, Hsu was an Associate Research Scientist in the Reaction Engineering group at the Dow Chemical Company, where he was responsible for reactor scale-up and optimization of chemical processes including catalytic processes by integrating experimental studies and modeling. He also has collaborated with academic partners for studying catalyst structure-performance relationships and fundamental reaction mechanisms on catalyst surface.

Hsu received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Minnesota, where he studied the effects of zeolite structures and site locations on reaction mechanisms, rates, and selectivities under the guidance of Professor Aditya Bhan.
